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How Can I Help Myself?

In recent years a range of cognitive behavioural therapies has been developed for treating psychological problems. These work by addressing the patterns of thinking that are associated with a person's problematic behaviour and symptoms, and offering strategies and techniques for breaking these negative thought processes. CBT therapy has proved to be a highly successful treatment for depression, anxiety disorders, phobias and low self-esteem, and offers an effective approach to managing post-traumatic stress. 

Treatment is usually conducted by a therapist, but many of the CBT mechanisms have also been adapted into the form of self-help manuals. These manuals help the sufferer to recognise and address the range of reactions, thoughts and feelings that they may be experiencing, and offer a systematic programme of treatment which the sufferer is advised to work through to overcome their difficulties. For a great many people, cognitive behavioural self-help manuals provide a lifeline to recovery and a better future.